Gringo concorrente de Lugano se coloca à disposição para o clássico


Regularizado e se sentindo adaptado ao São Paulo, zagueiro Arboleda vive expectativa para estreia e se diz pronto para encarar o Santos domingo na Vila. Ele disputa  vaga com ídolo

Arboleda em treino

Regularizado, o zagueiro equatoriano Arboleda vive expectativa de estrear pelo São Paulo no clássico contra o Santos domingo na Vila Belmiro. Sem restrições físicas e participando normalmente dos treinos no CT da Barra Funda, ele está de olho numa vaga no clássico, mesmo tendo o uruguaio Diego Lugano, ídolo do clube, como principal concorrente para formar a defesa com o titular Rodrigo Caio. O gringo está animado.

– Estou contente com a oportunidade de estrear no futebol brasileiro, principalmente pelo São Paulo, e já com um grande jogo pela frente. Espero fazer as coisas da melhor maneira possível para ajudar os meus companheiros. Queremos sair desta situação, e estamos prontos para buscar as vitórias para reagir – afirmou Arboleda, em entrevista ao site oficial do clube.

Como Dorival Júnior, contratado para ser substituto de Rogério Ceni, só assumirá na semana que vem, o auxiliar Pintado comandará o time no clássico. Ele optou por fechar os treinos de definição da escalação, portanto é impossível saber se Arboleda ganhará uma vaga no time. Na quarta-feira, na única atividade aberta, Lugano treinou ao lado de Rodrigo Caio, enquanto o equatoriano foi ao consulado equatoriano resolver problema de documentação Mas se depender do ânimo e do físico do atleta, Pintado pode apostar.

– Consegui aprimorar a forma física ainda mais nos últimos dias, estou bem fisicamente e espero estrear da melhor maneira possível caso o Pintado queira contar comigo. Domingo será um jogo difícil, fora de casa, mas temos condições de buscar um resultado positivo. Precisamos vencer para recuperar a confiança – disse Arboleda.


A última partida do defensor foi pelo seu ex-clube no dia 21 de junho, quando balançou as redes na goleada da Universidad Católica (EQU) por 4 a 0 sobre o River Plate (EQU) pelo campeonato nacional. Agora, apesar de ainda ter dificuldade com o idioma, ele espera escrever sua história no São Paulo.

– No início confundia um pouco os nomes (risos), mas agora já conheço todos e estou adaptado. Fui bem recebido, o clube me acolheu e isso tem facilitado bastante no dia a dia. Quero formar uma família aqui para, juntos, sairmos desta situação no campeonato – declarou o gringo.


  1. Let’s be realistic about getting a even larger penis. It will not happen in a few days or a week or so by taking medications or employing contraptions to help stretch it. effective penis enlargement

    There are many options which publicise such, tend to be simply unobtainable.

    Surgery is apparently the only option for rather immediate success, but possibly even that is made up of several weeks really worth of healing time. Of which option will be way too risky for most people, and really it is not necessary whenever you learn about some other, more better, options for buying a bigger penile.

    The penis enhancement results which may have worked for some guys procured a number of weeks to achieve and also way these people got more substantial penis had been through work outs called penile (and stretching exercises).

    When used to be that it would get several months to attain these outcome, in recent years fellas have been report generation achieving bigger penis size in barely 3 months. Because more people peform jelqing exercises together with stretching approaches, more shorter cuts develop into clear in regards to what works and doesn’t, and various other ways to hasten size outcome. skuteczne powiększanie penisa

    How do they it? Allow me to share the beginning steps-initial to getting a bigger penis in mere 3 months:

    Normal Jelqing. As i have said the jelqing exercise is replacing a whole technique for buying a bigger male organ. This involves replicated massaging or even “milking” activities performed to the penis in your hands. You hand each time grips the basic 2003 subaru forester and slowly but surely milks forwards and relieves just before your head. The other fretting hand performs the exact same and a particular number of models and associates are practiced. The penis ought to be in a semi-erect (40-60%) impotence and lubrication should be utilized as well.

    Opposite Jelqing. This is certainly mainly dedicated to increasing thickness or girth size. For people with a specific capacity goal a person after, then you definitely don’t prefer to waste 4 months trying to get much longer if instead your goal is to become thicker. In this case you would wish to focus delve into reverse penile. This is critically the jelqing training in reverse. The hand will begin just before your head and slowly moves to the base. The penis is slightly more erect (60-70%) when performing turn back jelqs.

    Stretches. This is carried out alongside typical jelqing, instead of9124 doing it on their own by itself. Along with again, it is concerned chiefly with span gains (though you could even now use it next to reverse penile if you wished both thickness and length). But commonly stretching is conducted after a ordinary jelqing program. Basically the penis enlargement is gently stretched out along with your hand together with held there for a moment, subsequently released. Afterwards you rest along with repeat for a number of sets plus reps.

    Supplementing. The big growth in penile exercises is the addition associated with supplementation. Taking natural body system increasing androgen hormone or testosterone and/or human growth hormone supplements whilst jelqing and even stretching has become reported to help speed up outcome and enhance the jelqing outcomes as well.

    Male member Enalrgement Physical fitness Programs. Using a proven male enhancement exercise program which involves the jelqing exercise (standard and reverse), stretching approach, and by using supplements options, would be the fastest solution to get results within 3 months. It could possibly literally consider you couple months of time and experience otherwise. Men will slip victim to be able to up their own routine, or perhaps follow many badly sort out routine people fournd online, only to never achieve the end result they could get if they would have gotten using a good system from the get go.